Every time we hear the term “Breaking News”, a sense of urgency about our brain. Suddenly we start paying attention more. This is not unusual for the human brain. Our brain responds to unusual things or events at a faster speed than the normal events. Visual and print media tries to make the best of these two words especially to attract viewers’ attention.
One of the main sources of the news is TV channels. TV channels are leading visual media to announce such news from time to time. Mostly, this news story appears on the scroll when the news is not on a telecast. During the news time, next to the telecast news scroll as the latest news was also given more time and detailed reporting. But, some TV channels exaggerate the importance of stories and include lower important stories as a violation news. Sometimes when there is nothing special to broadcast, some TV channels broadcast general events or stories as the latest news just to attract viewers’ attention. Strategies can work for them in the short term but in the long run are almost certain that they will lose viewers. This will happen when they cheat on their viewers by covering lower important events labeled the latest news.
There are also many online websites that offer such news. But, can you believe the authenticity of the news provided by these sites? Of course, you can’t trust them all. Only famous websites offer real and informative stories. So, you need to know the characteristics of famous news sites to get informative news. There are also websites that might offer real and informative stories but not good in terms of choosing the right story to be covered as a violated news. This website considers almost all stories as a violation news and thus confusing visitors. At one point, it turned out to be a frightening task for the website to attract the attention of visitors to important news stories. This happens when visitors think they are cheated and offered general news in an excessive way. In this way, the website loses visitors.
So, both television channels and websites must make sense in terms of broadcast news. They should not misinterpret gravity news and confuse visitors. Even so, these news sources must concentrate on delivering informative news and the term only significant stories as “Breaking News”. If the media act professionally then the final goal to convey information to mass people can be achieved.