If only two reasons for business fail, they will become poor financing and poor management or planning. You cannot overcome the importance of financing your business. Business financing is not a once activity because some people think. It is necessary every time a need appears like when expanding, modernizing etc. At this stage you need to understand the importance of running extreme warnings and planning capital utilization. The wrong decision here can haunt you for your business life.
Are you sure you want to raise external funds?
For start-up, it is understandable that you need to increase capital through loans. But what about expansion and improvement? Make sure external financing is an absolute necessity before you register. It’s important for you to organize your finances at the transition stage but only after you make sure that you can’t do it yourself, both permanently or for some time. The same as important is the risk criteria, not financing costs and how well contributions to special purposes and overall companies.
Financing type
Equity financing: Equity financing involves sales from your shares (mostly partially) in return for cash and gives the portion of ownership and rights to profit. Equity financing can be sought from private investors or venture capitalists. This brings access to the opening of the right capitalization to debt financing. Equity finance does not need to be returned like a loan unless your partner wants to withdraw.
Debt Financing: Debt Financing is financing loans to several types of payment guarantees. Guarantee can guarantee, personal guarantee or promise. Lenders limit the use of debt finance to inventory, equipment or real estate. You need to compile debt correctly and the rules of the practical to do this is to give long-term debt for fixed and short-term asset loans for working capital. The reason is that assets continue to produce cash flows for their lifetime and have the benefit of lower interest rates as opposed to working capital loans.
Financial source:
You can choose financial resources depending on your circumstances and the required amount.
1. Family and Friends: Small and short-term working capital requirements can be financed quickly through your own resources or through family and friends. The benefits here are the absence of flower components (mostly.) This financial increase method is useful even at the early stages of the business. You must be aware that disputes about money are the main reason that the close relationship becomes acid.
2. Small US Business Administration: This is the most prominent source for debt financing. SBA does not lend money directly but organizes and guarantees loans through various lenders and sources under the umbrella. Local government, banks, private lenders, etc. Adjust the loan immediately to the business approved by SBA. SBA loans are available for various business needs and at the lowest interest rates available.
3. Venture Capital: Raising Venture Capital is organizing financing through the sale of shares whose value is the same as the finances you need. Basically this means selling some ownership and control rights. It is important that the exact judgment of your business value is made before the agreement is made.
Financing business should not be difficult as long as you have set your credentials as a good manager, have collateral / assets, convincing cash flow statements, original needs, proven traces record, good credit history and strong plans. This should not only save your business so as not to faint but also allows to grow and succeed.